Monday, October 13, 2008

Jungle Juice Chronicles- Winthrop Edition

I'd like to start off by saying- Jaimie, this is a kind, friendly environment. No put-downs, only warm fuzzies.

That being said, I had quite the weekend. It was perfect for blogging. I started Friday off with a little trip to Lander University. I'll save that info for a separate post because according to everyone I don't blog enough. Saturday I had to go to my AWESOME job. Each time I go to work I promise I'm putting in my two weeks.... I never do. After work I went to Chase's soccer game and watched him be a little super star. Before the game I asked him how many goals he was going to score. He said 3 and you can bet your sweet ass that he scored 3. I went home and attempted to rest up for the night that promised many shenanigans.

I arrived in Rock Hill at approximately 10:10 and we headed to the highlighter party. The jungle juice was so strong that I doubt the alcohol they used was legal in the United States. Caroline has 4 voice mails that I refuse to listen to. I remember leaving one of them and I wasn't able to form any actual words.
So we are at the party and I look up and this kid is in the corner, behind the couch on his back. We've all had to go to the those alcohol prevention presentations for our orientation class and this scene looked like it was right out of one of the reenactments. Awesome. I was not in the right frame of mind for that. Someone helped him outside and he began throwing up on the deck. I helped him out into the grass where he proceeded to throw up on my knees and shoes. I've never had someone throw up on me, but let me tell you as soon as the vomit hit me I started throwing up. I looked around and saw a very sober young man standing behind us with a look of utter disgust on his face. I asked him for a glass of water that I dumped down my jeans and shoes. After Barfy stopped throwing up he said he was going back to his room. Next thing I know, I'm holding him up and we are walking back to his room with his pissed off friend on one side of us and Jess on the other side. After getting him to his room and dumping 3 glasses of water on his face we went back to Jess's room. I don't remember anything after that. I woke up with my shoes on and two pipe cleaners tied to my wrists. After I figured out exactly what was going on and where I was I looked at my phone and saw that I talked to Jaimie and the student gov president of UT. The back ground of my phone was a picture of Jess with glasses drawn on her face with a highlighter and they were only visible under a black light. I'd say the night was a success.

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