Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2 a.m. Wake-Up Call

I'd like to take this time to allow you to take a walk in the dormant life of Caroline Bass. Due to my Sunday night shenanigans I was very tired all day yesterday. I read a chapter of Twilight and retired to my amazing bed at about midnight, happy to know I was going to get a full eleven hours of nothing but pure shut eye. I started my nightly ritual of brushing my teeth, washing my face, pjs, contacts and setting the alarm on my cell phone. Well thanks to the Doll House and the one outlet provided for me in my entire bedroom, I have to run extension cords along the walls in order to allow my cell phone charger to be at my bed at nighttime. Unfortunately I made the rash decision at Target to get the nine foot extension cord instead of the sixteener, making the cord about three feet too short to reach the head of my bed. Therefore I have to plug my phone into the charger that only reaches my knees when I'm in bed. So I text the lovely Anthony Fritz and tell him goodnight and then proceed to put my phone on alarm only, resting it in its usual knee-high position. I don't know if you're much of a Monday Night Football fan but if you are you know that the Cleveland Browns were matched up against the New York Giants last evening. Since the Browns suck most of the football world were betting in the Giant's favor. I failed to mention earlier that my wonderful boyfriend is a die hard Browns fan. Turns out the Brownies pulled it off and somehow came out victorious in last night's match up. Anthony texted me back goodnight on cloud nine due to his fave team's miracle game, I didn't think anything of this and went off to bed anyways with Milo curled up in his usual spot on my neck. For me to be able to sleep I require no lights and no sounds. I realized about forty seconds too late that I had left my windows open and I could hear every leaf crackle and every passing yacking pedestrian. Dragging myself out of bed, I proceeded to shut and lock both of the windows the Doll House provides me in my room. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep about two minutes after I hit the pillow.

I am awakened in a panic to someone pounding on the door to the Doll House. My heart is racing as I'm thinking about who could possibly be at the door this late slamming on the front door. I make the decision to lay as still and quiet as possible, hoping for the slamming stranger to retreat back to their humble abode. No such luck. I wanted to feel around for my phone to see if someone had called before they rudely awoke me from my slumber but I was both paralyzed with straight up fear and trying to stay stealth in hopes that if the homeboy outside didn't see a light go on in my room they would surely go home and let me get back to my REM cycle. Suddenly the night knocker is at my window. One negative aspect to having an all one story Doll House is you run the risk of having visitors at all hours of the night knocking at your little window. Milo and I are freaked out at this point. I was thinking of all possible ways to get ahold of Sara in the room next to me but I was too scared to move. The knocker then proceeds to yell "BABYYYY!" at the window. I have now discovered that my nightly knocker is a male with a pretty familiar voice. If I don't respond or move, Anthony will go home, right? WRONG. He then moves back to the door and is knocking so hard it sounds like he is going to bust the door down. At this point I'm thinking about who is dead because that's how crazy Anthony is acting. I realize now that something is terribly wrong and I force myself out of bed, still very disoriented, and make my way to the door without any form of vision since I failed to unpack my glasses from my weekend at Linda's. I open the door and sure enough... there he is, decked out in a Browns jersey with a crazy look on his face. Who died? He says maybe two or three words, still out on the front porch mind you, and I am knocked to the ground by the smell of vodka. It seriously smelled like he took a bath in grey goose using a vodka smelling shampoo and conditioner. He can't even hold his head up and he is swaying from side to side. He stumbles into the doorway and feels up the wall in my bedroom to find the light switch. I grabbed his hand just in time to spare my sleepy brown eyes from the blinding overhead light and walk him to my bed because he can't make it on his own. He goes on to profess his love for me and then starts giving himself a little pep talk as if I'm not sitting right there. "Come on, Anthony.. get yourself together." I'm just sitting there with a ridiculous look on my face thinking what in the hell is going on. I then made him leave and go home to go to bed, ordering that he doesn't drink anymore that night. I called him about four minutes later because lets be honest at this point he could be skipping backwards going the opposite direction of his house. Fortunately he made it home but is now requesting that I come down there and see him. Now I'm really starting to get irritated. I hang up on him and try to get back into the dream I was having.

About a half hour of tossing and turning goes by and I then hear our squeaky front door open and close and I know I locked it after the Anthony night-knocker nonsense. What now? Since Katie has to be up at six in the morning to teach I figure it has to be Sara out and about at three in the morning. She went to bed before I did so I was very confused at this point about where in the hell she could be venturing off to in the middle of the night. I give her a little ring-a-ding and she picks up. Apparently Rob, Anthony's trusty roommate and good friend called and sent Sara into a state of panic making it sound like something was wrong. I informed her that they were all completely sloshed and that she was wasting her time but unfortunately she was already in Rob's blurry vision in front of their house. Her nonsense night with him is an entire different story so I'm not going to get into that right now.

The best part about this is my boyfriend and I are both completely ridiculous, I think it's really going to work out. Due to his performance last night I now get a free pass for all of my drunken nonsense nights yelling at him for no reason. Jackpot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know what makes me happy/embarrassed about this?

You guys are equally out of control.

I'm worried for both of you.