Monday, October 20, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution

(In case you are wondering, Nipple is the one on the left in the blue shirt)

Well after two hours of foot loose & fancy moves it's safe to say DDR is making its comback into the life of Caroline Bass. I never used to be all that good at the game back in the dinosaur ages of high school but tonight I defied my anti-rhythmic odds and kicked the shit out of the game. Anyone who knows me knows I have absolutely no sense of rhythm. I do okay out at the bars after a few beers grinding up on anyone who is brave enough to bump up behind me but if someone were to try to teach me some sort of dance they would end up peeing in hilarity and I would end up cowering away in embarrassment. I thought for sure tonight my roommates would hand my ass to me in DDR but to my delight I have found someone who is quite possibly qualified in the horrific classification. Sara Elizabeth Newell aka.. Nipple. She is possibly both the worst and most amusing person to watch play this game that is all about foot-eye coordination. She moves in very spurratic motions and always seems to be about a half second too late. The game will tell you what your average score is after every three songs. Nipple never got any higher than an E. All I can say to that is, better than an F!

On a side note my boyfriend and I spent last night quoting movies to each other in his bed. I'd like a standing ovation for my two performances in the last 24 hours because he got his ass handed to him in this little game as well. What was his choice on movie quote battle? Tommy Boy. Oops. Little does he know that my best friend (Tommy) and I know every line in that movie that's worth knowing.

I leave you with this:

Richard: Oh that sounds good: melted chocolate inside the dash, that really ups the resale value.
Tommy: I think you'll be okay here, they have a thin candy shell. 'Surprised you didn't know that.
Richard: I think your brain has a thick candy shell.
Tommy: Your... Your brain has the shell on it.
Richard: Are you talking?
Tommy: Shut up, Richard.

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