Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Split the V, dot the I, swirl that C-T-O-R-Y.

What a great night for the Dems in my household. Oliver, Cruz and I had a little Election Night party.

Cruz was in charge of the snacks.

Oliver was in charge of the result map.


Anonymous said...

like you even colored that little map hahahahaha i believe my best friend has now reached a whole new level of loserness.

p.s. jaim wont like this post. shes all pissed off about the outcome.

Anonymous said...

well if you actually read the post you will see oliver colored it...

and its because we were watching another channel and the election so every time we flipped to the election we had to keep track of what was going on.... and I have no life down here.

Anonymous said...

ps. I think its time the boyfriend started reading this....

Anonymous said...

lol i dont.


since oliver doesnt actually have appendages the whole bloggy world knows YOU are the one who actually took the time to outline and color coordinate the states according to candidate.


Anonymous said...

hey sfb is la who za her