Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm intoxicated by the mere presence of a freaking book.

Two months ago I might have made a rude comment on Caroline's post about Twilight. Now I am guilty of the same, if not worse, obsession that she has. I'd like to be the first to say, I think I have a mental problem. I think about Edward CONSTANTLY. Not Robert Pattinson, the guy that plays him, but actually Edward Cullen, The vampire. I drive at night and I'm a little on edge for fear of James smashing himself up against my car. I was house sitting and I wasn't afraid of a human breaking in, I was more nervous a vampire would get in. I panic because I'm already 20 meaning I'm already 3 years older than Edward. WTF!!!!!!!! If you read this blog and haven't read Twilight post me your address and I will personally send you my copy. If you read this blog and have read the book please post a comment to let me know that I am not alone in this udder obsession.
Jaimie. I can see your face as you read this. Don't judge me. Read the books.

1 comment:

jaim said...

damn youre so good. you definately called me out on that one. i even noticed the disgusted confused look as i read your post hahahaa. vampires guys.... seriously. ill make sure i get you both a night light, passifier, and teddy for christmas.