Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ok. for real im done now.


so lately. where do i begin with this mess. well ive recently has to add 3 certain males to limited profile on fbook as well as make up a pretend guy i just met so they will stop texting/msging/calling. ive really had it with the freaks, i attract the best of them. so to anyone who may read this and is a normal human being.... as long as you arent an insecure 18yr old, do not ask me to come to your apt 5 times before we ever hang out, or tell me your favorite movie is SHREK then... go ahead talk to me. im pretty sure it cant be worse than what ive been dealt.

on another note.
my mom is currently going through premenopause and im not quite sure if we will each survive this. can anyone out there relate to me? shes hot then shes cold... yes then shes no.
hahaha seriously though. ive had it.

if tilly fucking sneaks into our neighbors yard one more time when we let her out.. i gaurentee i will punt the shit out of her. they are weird as f. next door and throw food garbage outside by a tree and she goes and eats it. richard let her out the day and i swear steam came out of his ears. she brought a piece of trash back with her and he couldnt even identify it.

brings me to another point. its people like our neighbors that leave that shit out that attracts the stray cats. not only do i hate cats in general, but stray cats.... the worst. i mean i feel bad bc its cold out and stuff but seriously i want to run them over with my car.

on a lighter note.......................... HAS ANYONE HEARD THE NEW TAYLOR SWIFT CD?? PLEASE PLEASE GO BUY IT... PROMISE YOULL <3 IT.

miss you bitches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hate tilly i love taylor swift