Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm intoxicated by the mere presence of a freaking book.

Two months ago I might have made a rude comment on Caroline's post about Twilight. Now I am guilty of the same, if not worse, obsession that she has. I'd like to be the first to say, I think I have a mental problem. I think about Edward CONSTANTLY. Not Robert Pattinson, the guy that plays him, but actually Edward Cullen, The vampire. I drive at night and I'm a little on edge for fear of James smashing himself up against my car. I was house sitting and I wasn't afraid of a human breaking in, I was more nervous a vampire would get in. I panic because I'm already 20 meaning I'm already 3 years older than Edward. WTF!!!!!!!! If you read this blog and haven't read Twilight post me your address and I will personally send you my copy. If you read this blog and have read the book please post a comment to let me know that I am not alone in this udder obsession.
Jaimie. I can see your face as you read this. Don't judge me. Read the books.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Continued Obsession

Well, as if Twilight wasn't enough to capture my full attention for three days, I have now been pulled into a new obsession. New Moon... the sequel to Twilight, has taken over my life. I read the first 250 pages in two days. As if the first book wasn't enough, I now go to bed wondering if there is a werewolf lurking around outside the Doll House instead of wondering when Edward Cullen is going to come and sweep me off my feet.

I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?

-I always suggest the bad news first because the good news follows it up on a lighter, happier note... but that's just me.

The good news is New Moon will probably be finished by Wednesday of this week. The bad news is there are four total books to the Twilight series so it looks like my life will consist of vampire hotties and burly werewolves for the next month.

...and I feel like I should be hanging out with Anne Slama and Shannon Smith after admitting what I'm reading and completely into.

...and I hope they don't have google blogger accounts.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

All I Want for Christmas is...


in my bed.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Alert the Press

I will be gracing NC/Reba/Kelly Clarkson with my prescense in t-minus seven days!!!!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ok. for real im done now.


so lately. where do i begin with this mess. well ive recently has to add 3 certain males to limited profile on fbook as well as make up a pretend guy i just met so they will stop texting/msging/calling. ive really had it with the freaks, i attract the best of them. so to anyone who may read this and is a normal human being.... as long as you arent an insecure 18yr old, do not ask me to come to your apt 5 times before we ever hang out, or tell me your favorite movie is SHREK then... go ahead talk to me. im pretty sure it cant be worse than what ive been dealt.

on another note.
my mom is currently going through premenopause and im not quite sure if we will each survive this. can anyone out there relate to me? shes hot then shes cold... yes then shes no.
hahaha seriously though. ive had it.

if tilly fucking sneaks into our neighbors yard one more time when we let her out.. i gaurentee i will punt the shit out of her. they are weird as f. next door and throw food garbage outside by a tree and she goes and eats it. richard let her out the day and i swear steam came out of his ears. she brought a piece of trash back with her and he couldnt even identify it.

brings me to another point. its people like our neighbors that leave that shit out that attracts the stray cats. not only do i hate cats in general, but stray cats.... the worst. i mean i feel bad bc its cold out and stuff but seriously i want to run them over with my car.

on a lighter note.......................... HAS ANYONE HEARD THE NEW TAYLOR SWIFT CD?? PLEASE PLEASE GO BUY IT... PROMISE YOULL <3 IT.

miss you bitches.
ok... just wanted everyone to know that I will no longer be texting or forwarding racist jokes.
Cause racism is a crime.... And crimes are for black people.


Racial slurs and racist comments will not be tolerated on this blog.
Failure to comply will result in the post being deleted and blogging rights revoked.

it makes me sick.

Not here, Not now.

Dear Readers, (AKA Jaim and Chass...and possibly Nana)
I would love to blog to you about my weekend of nonsense and drama, however, the entire blog would be uncomprehendable due to the censorship that would have to occur with every other word. I have a few choice words for a few choice people and it would not be appropriate to unleash them onto our site. If a story that does not require 13 b*tches and 27 f-bombs occurs within the next few days, I promise to make up for my lack of blogging with it.

Ttfn (ta-ta for now)
just announced the statue of liberty is coming down! Aunt Jamima going up in her place holding a chicken leg!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

HEY caroline... shut the fuck up! HEy CHAS...come to fucking ohio. NOW

this is sarah farley and i hope one day she decides to become part of this blog.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just when it seemed you might not be doing so hot in the blogging world...

Something like this pops up.
I think we might be a little more successful than him.
I can only hope so, but I mean damn Gina. Look at this publicity he's getting...

Friday, November 7, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like.....

....we don't have any blog readers.. I mean how do you get the word out about your blog without sounding a bit conceded?!?! "Hey I have this really great blog because I'm a really great writer and you should read it because it's about my everyday life and I'm really interesting." Umm, no. Or "Hey I wrote about you in my blog today because I'm really creepy. Here's the link." Probably not wise. Or we are faced with the issue of "I can't advertise our blog because I wrote some crazy stuff about this person and I don't want him to read it." I mean I guess I can tell Carol (my Nana) about it. She would read it everyday and possibly comment on it if I tell her how. . . . . . . If we don't get our numbers up I'm going to give it a shot. Hell even if we do get our numbers up I'll tell her about it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hey Sarah Palin...... You tube it.....

Today I saw something that said Palin 2012. I wasn't sure which action to do first-
  • slam my fist through the computer screen
  • throw up
  • poke my eye-balls out
  • scream
  • knock all my teeth out
  • paper cut in between each finger
  • slap sizzling bacon across my forehead
  • cry
  • laugh

What would you do?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Split the V, dot the I, swirl that C-T-O-R-Y.

What a great night for the Dems in my household. Oliver, Cruz and I had a little Election Night party.

Cruz was in charge of the snacks.

Oliver was in charge of the result map.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Missing Milo

Well, the little bastard finally figured his way out of the Doll House yesterday around 11:30 am. The orange little tabby is full of ton (tom) foolery. He hid underneath the futon and waited for me to go to class and snuck right out the door behind my flip flops all stealthy and shit. I'm a mindless shit for brains didn't even think to look behind me and make sure he wasn't slinking off into the world. When I got home at about 2 and looked around the whole house for him it finally dawned on me that the little Houdini was probably somewhere in the vicinity of the Doll House yard playing in the leaves and yelling "I'm free!" Well, unlike Milo's other mother I would really really like for him to come home and take his place on my pillow at nighttime like always. If you see an orange and white cat around BG proceed with caution, he's a mean little man and he does bite.

Come home, Milo.