Tuesday, September 30, 2008

She says:Jump! You say: How High?

I'd like to present my sincerest apologies to anyone who this does not pertain to, but I have a little venting to do. This is for anyone who let's their significant other change the way they act, talk, move, pee, or look. Why don't you just change your name to his or her name if you're going to start doing everything the way he or she wants you to do it. There is absolutely no reason anyone should make you feel like you can't do something you may even think about wanting to do (Unless of course the crazy bitch/bastard is holding you at gun point). I don't care if they are the most important person to you in the entire world. If you want to do something, do it. If you don't want to do something, don't do it. Easy as that. That brings me to my next subject: Ultimatums. You might as well say my girlfriend/boyfriend/mom/dad/hamster is threatening me. Ultimatums are just a nice way to threaten someone. Last time I checked, being threatened isn't in the top twenty favorite past times of most people in the world. Why put up with it from someone you apparently care about so much that you'll forget about friendships at the drop of a hat? Aronius, aronius on both accounts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You better let it out.