Sunday, September 14, 2008

To you, impatient Bass girls

During this time of economic hardship I have been doing a few things to save money. I gave Oliver a bath and a hair cut today. Instead of getting my eyebrows waxed for a whopping $20, I pluck them myself. My mom has been packing my lunch every morning and putting it in a My Little Pony reusable lunch box. I have also been using public transportation to get downtown every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Now I must admit Oliver's haircut looks ridiculous. My eyebrows are a bit uneven and I look like a total fool getting on the bus with my Pinky Pie Pony lunch box, but nothing compares to the people that I ride the bus with. A few days ago there was a woman who was clearly intoxicated sitting next to a business man. The bus stopped and because of good ole inertia (Shout out to Mrs. Gladeux) the woman didn't. She fell into the lap of the man next to her. He looked at her. He Looked around. He looked back at her. And then he just sat there. After a good 45 seconds the woman sat up and didn't acknowledge that anything had just happened. A huge smile grew across the face of the man. He looked at me with a, "WTF just happened?" look on his face. At that point I had to put my hands over my face because I was laughing so hard. Another one of my personal faves was the guy that walked up and down the isle rapping. My good man, you are not at the VMA's. You are riding the bus to go downtown. Please try to control yourself. Another man that sticks out has a greasy bowl cut, dirty finger nails and shifty eyes. I can't help but to stare at him. Each new day brings forth new shenanigans.

Quote of the day- "Wouldn't you rather be tazed?"

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