Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Transition to Taoism

       Yet another divinely moving lecture from my favorite professor Mr. David Sears has lead me to my latest revelation. Taoism; why aren't you and I in the game? The Tao is the way. The way is living in harmony through balance of nature, the world, and yourself. The world is. Relax and follow the concepts. Shit happens. Appreciate the positive and negative aspects of life. Keep everything balanced. Confused?
Me too. Breaking it down a little further: Taoists believe you should always keep the aspects of everyday life in balance. For example, if you're tired you should sleep. If you're hungry you should eat. Think of it this way... dogs do things where and when they want to do it. If they are hungry they eat when they want, take naps when they want, and exert energy through running whenever they please to do so. So you and I should adopt the lifestyle of a Border Collie? According to the Tao, (the way) ..yes. Practicing Taoism means sleeping whenever you want to sleep. For example setting your alarm and forcing yourself to wake up is throwing off your balance, hence clogging your chi. If you're searching for the final destination of immortality you most definitely do not want to clog up your chi, my friends. Here's the sitch... we all convert to Taoism. We sleep in until whenever our mind/bodies feel like it, eat only when we're hungry, and meditate. Throw in a little Jiu-Jitsu in the front yard all we'll all be on our way to nirvana. We'll reach the maximum benefit with the minimum amount of effort. I went to court this morning to ask the judge for a continuance pending my case of three misdemeanors in the first degree. I got a two-week layover. I could either a) stress out for two weeks anticipating my fate in the Bowling Green Municipal Court on the morning of September 24th, or b) I could go take a nap because that's what my body is telling me to do and I don't want to clog my chi. I think I'll shoot for the latter of the two. Wu-Wei.

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