Monday, September 29, 2008

Hello. My name is Chassidy. Would you knock me out? .

I have quite a few things to discuss today.

  • Caroline- "May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you." I hope tonight you are able to cuddle with Milo and not a she-man named Pat.

  • I'm riding the bus. Minding my own business. Reading Crime and Punishment. When who comes along? None other than my friend with an extremely large posterior. When I got on the bus I put my backpack on the outside seat so no one could sit next to me. That didn't stop bubble butt. She plopped down on my backpack. I tried to wipe the "What the hell, you just smashed my lunch" look off my face and smash myself up against the wall of the bus in hopes of not touching her. So far so good. I put my backpack on the ground and start reading again. I read one line and felt a large elbow digging into my arm. Now when you are on a crowded bus there are some rules that are left unsaid, but everyone should follow. Shower at least 24 hours before you get on the bus. No farting. No burping. No flailing about in your seat. This woman broke two of those rules. She smelled like she peed her pants about 3 years ago and didn't change her pants. So after the elbow incident I look up. She's trying to fit her bus pass back in her 1980s leather wallet that is stuffed to the brim with nonsense cards. She's over there throwing elbows and I'm just trying to read. The ride was very uneventful after she settled down and got comfortable (with her legs spread apart and her sausage arm resting on me.) I put my book away and pull the wire alerting the driver I need to get off and she just sits there. Usually people get up at that point to ensure a smooth transition off the bus. She wasn't that kind of person. The bus stops and she swings her legs out of the seat, but doesn't get up. There is no way in hell I am going to be able to get past her unless I sit on her lap. I'm not fond of smelling like pee, so I opt out of that one. At that point I am just looking at her. She gives a little "humpf" and throws herself out of the seat. Clearly that was too much work for her. I wonder if all this is worth the money I save in gas.

  • After the bus shenanigan, I start my journey to my french class. This is by far my favorite class, so I don't mind that it's not even 8:30 and I've already been up for 2 hours. Anyway, as I'm walking through campus I pass one of my french classmates. . . . going to opposite direction. "Hmmm maybe he isn't going today" is what I make myself believe instead of "Hmm we must not have class today." I pretty much knew the latter was true, but I climbed up the 3 sets of stairs anyway just to make sure. VIOLA! A sign on the door- Class is Canceled. Sweet. Fortunately my comp class was also canceled. So I got up at 6. Got on the bus at 7:45. Got to campus at 8:20 and my class doesn't start until 11:30.

  • Lola and Mischa are still gone. On Wednesday it will be a week. The hurricane remnants are traveling up to Charlotte and we had really bad, rainy, windy weather for a few days. All the signs we put up are useless, so we have to put out more. I would really like my dogs back.


Anonymous said...

what the hell does that mean

a she-man named pat??

Anonymous said...


You would be pats bitch.