Friday, February 6, 2009

krow ta yadot

on the topic of relationships an 85 yr old woman told me today to "play the field" and "have my fun" hahaha she apparently has a few under her belt.

ive decided to take her advice. yes i plan on engaging in as many sexual relationships as possible (all in while, of trying to avoid getting an std), getting pregnant, having a baby ... JUST so i can go to school for free, recieve a monthly check, get good coupons on groceries, and further piss off and steal from hard-working americans.

(i guess i am a tad bitter, due to a pt today who had genital warts excised, had 3 kids, on welfare, and gets her college tuition for free.)

totallllllllllllly fare, i know right.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a good idea. Before you do this you should go out and get "My Horizontal Life" by Chelsea Handler. You will pee. I promise. It's all about her one night stands.

Anonymous said...

Are you doing publicity for her?

Anonymous said...

That's the wrong fair/fare.
Unless of course you were trying to be witty in your post about money by using the type of fair/fare that means money...Which I don't think you were.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry that I like to let Jaimie be who she is and type how she wants and use incorrect forms of words even if she is at a seventh grade level at twenty-one.


Give her a break.

Anonymous said...

Just think if we had to put algebra equations up here...

We'd all look like invalids! Thanks, Bo.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that it makes my skin crawl when these types of shenanigans go on. I can't not correct it. I just can't. Don't feel bad, Jaim. I do it to everyone.

But I will try to hold back since this isn't a college paper. It's just a blog.

Hey Caroline. Piss off.

And maybe if you two fools weren't in every class I had with Bo I might have passed his class.

jaim said...

holy shit how did i miss all of these comments.... wow Bo's class hahahhaha. i would just like to point out i currently hold a 97% in my statistics class. i am somewhat knowledgable in math these days.