Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm in Love, I'm in Love, and I Don't Care Who Knows It!

Aloha long-lost bloggys! I have been on hiatus due to the amount of school work I have been accomplishing on a daily basis.... HAAAAA! Actually I skipped Soc three times this week and I'm supposed to be in "Writing About Literature" as we speak. Whoops! Since the time of valen is rapidly approaching, I thought I'd give you (both of you) an infinitesimal update regarding Anthony and I. The good news is we're still going strong. He pisses me off maybe once every two weeks or so but nothing too crazy goes on, I just blow things out of proportion. I come by it honestly though seeing as Linda called me earlier this week and reported how many times Nicole calls her during the week... clearly insinuating that I am a terrible daughter. Funny thing is - I had called her two times less than Superstar Sister did. Anyways, Anthony and I are going to dinner tomorrow night at the restaurant Sarah works at (Spaghetti Warehouse) so that I can drink three glasses of Sangria before we do awkward present opening. Since I already got him an obnoxious dog and toys for him I do not have to deal with the shear madness of the mall today to find him something. This could potentially make present opening about six and a half times more awkward tomorrow since I am going to be the only one opening anything. Jackpot. I'll let you know how it goes.

Other than that I am happy to report that for once in my life I am actually into a guy who isn't a complete jackass. Cheers to that!


jaim said...

hahah 3 glasses of sangria... i hope he proposes.

Anonymous said...

1.)I hope he doesn't propose.
2.) He obviously still doesn't know the website.
3.) could you imagine playing Will's part in this movie. He has to be a total goof.